Rules and Regulations
Please read all information carefully!
1. Please explain/list in detail your products and/or service you would sell. Any items being sold not listed on the contract cannot be sold.
2. All vendors will be required to keep their area clean of trash and debris during and after the festival. The Huron Township Apple Festival does provide 3- 60 yard dumpsters at various locations. Please place your trash, debris and empty boxes in these dumpsters provided and not in our trash cans on the street.
3. If using our electricity, you will be required to bring a 150’ 12 gauge extension cord and must be readily available at your site when you arrive.
4. Your booth cannot extend beyond your site. No awnings will be allowed for safety reasons.
5. When returning your contract, a hold harmless agreement, dated and signed must be included with your contract, along with your check.
6. Payments must be made in the form of a check or money order and payable to:
Huron Township Applefest
P.O. Box 58
New Boston, MI 48164
7. Any violation of the Huron Township Applefest rules will be cause for immediate dismissal without reimbursement.
8. We ask that when you arrive at the festival you adhere to the following:
Check in
When the proper time comes you will be directed to your spot
Immediately unload your vehicle
Remove vehicle from street
Construct your booth and/or display and please be considerate of other vendors
We will have the Huron Township Police explores available to help unload your vehicle if necessary.
9. There will be no hawking and you must sell your crafts/raffle tickets within your booth space. By no means can you leave your booth space unattended. This will be strictly enforced this year and you may be asked to leave.
11. No heaters are allowed per HTFD.
12. Food vendor ground operations are not permitted, food trailers only.
13. This is a rain or shine event, and as such there will be no refunds.
14. If you have any questions you may call the booth committee at 734.753.3378. Please be advised all voice mails are checked periodically and may not be returned the same day.
Our email address is